Crown Fam

Our blogging adventures started at Lovely Little Ladybug.  I started blogging to share our girl's story.  She was diagnosed with Chiari I Malformation.  Since then her brother, Aidan, has also been diagnosed.  He and I also found out we have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlors Danlos Syndrome.  We are super stretchy!  We decided to expand our adventures here! 

Our fam is living in a crazy old house!  It takes massive courage to live here!  I love to think of it as Vintage, but it is not.  We learn as a fam, right inside our home!  We also learn in the backyard, at the zoo, and so many other exciting places!  Crazy!!!  We try not to think of it as school since every member of our fam learns and teaches something each day. 

The characters in our Fam are as follows:

Mama Crown and Daddy Crown: Mama C and Daddy C are always excited to see what life will dish out next.  Ok wait maybe excited is a poor choice.  Nevertheless we love this adventure we are on!

Crown 1: Also known as Aidan.  His role is both big brother, comforter, confident, play mate, and so many more things!  He is a thinker, a questioner,
and loves to eat!

Crown 2: Also known as Brooke.  Brooke brings the Courageous to our fam.  She is sassy, independent, and pretty much amazing!

Crown 3: Better known as Chandler.  Of course he brings the Crazy to our fam!  He loves to laugh, live, and make us all shake our heads! 

This is us...a crazy courageous fam trying to live a life that glorifies our Creator.  We love lots, mess up big, but keep moving forward.  We pray that our little blog is an interesting twist, a fun gathering to life.
Thanks for stopping by to check out our adventures!

To learn more about:
***Aidan- Check out his blog here.
***Brooke- Check out her blog here.

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